After wintering in Tholen it looks like next season we'll be leaving the Netherlands for Belgium and France. But before we do, we want to explain how we came up with the routes we traveled these past two years. It all starts with Tom Sommers' excellent cruising guide, Waterways of the Netherlands.
Sommers hat quer durch Holland verschiedene Touren zusammengestellt, mit Karten und vielen Tipps für Sehenswertes und bequeme Übernachtungen unterwegs. Die Touren dienten uns als Ausgangsbasis, von der wir dann nach Lust und Laune abwichen.
Sommers proposes tours of varying lengths that lead you through the obvious and sometimes less obvious routes and destinations. Of course, we departed from his suggestions often, but we always used them as a starting point. Like a recipe in cookbook, they give you the basics and you're free to improvise. Well done!
Tom Sommers has cruising guides of several European countries, even Switzerland, available at
The next step was to fire up PC-Navigo, a killer route planner for all of Europe. As the name indicates, it's happier on PCs than Macs but it was still invaluable. One of its many great features: you enter the profile of your boat --- length, width, height, depth --- and, after you enter your starting point and destination, it only calls up routes that you can use. With a height of 3.3 meters above the water, Plan B is too tall for some fixed bridges out in the boondocks and it's nice to avoid those.
The program is just so rich in useful information.
Imagine: for the entire continent PC-Navigo shows you every buoy, bridge, lock and marina, and click on those little camera symbols and a photo pops up showing you how they look. Excellent.
Unterwegs verliessen wir uns voll und ganz auf die ANWB-App auf unserem iPad. Der ANWB ist die niederländische Variante des schweizerischen TCS bzw. des deutschen ADAC, und der Herausgeber des Wateralmanak und der offiziellen niederländischen Wasserkarten. Die App ist die digitalisierte Version aller dieser Wasserkarten; sie zeigt fast jedes Schilfbüschel. Ausserdem kann man immer sehen, wo man sich gerade befindet, was für eine Karten-Analphabetin wie mich ungeheuer nützlich ist. Achtung: die Positionsbestimmung der App funktioniert nur auf iPads mit GPS.
Underway, we relied utterly on the iPad app from ANWB, the Dutch equivalent of the AAA or the RAC. It's also detail-rich, with, for example, telephone numbers for bridges and marinas, and the iPad can't be beat for user-friendliness in terms of quickly zooming in or out, shifting areas, etc. Note: the iPad must have a SIM card slot: they have the essential GPS chip.
Every boat in the Netherlands must have a copy of the two-volume ANWB Wateralmanak. It's also full of practical information and there were times we found what we need only in print, granted, in Dutch, but we could usually figure it out.
Es gibt in den Niederlanden hunderttausende von Pläsierbooten. Kein Wunder also, dass Regeln, Tipps und Informationen leicht zu bekommen sind. Gute Onlineadressen sind zum Beispiel Varen doe je samen, in Niederländisch und Deutsch, und Waternet, in Niederländisch, Deutsch und Englisch.
With so many pleasure boats on the water, it's not surprising that there are numerous sources of sailing info. Varen doe je samen is in Dutch and German, and Waternet is in Dutch, German and English.
We doubt the rest of Europe will be so well served.