We registered Plan B before we left the Netherlands. Never got around to applying the letters and numbers until we were in France but we've actually been asked for this ID at a couple of harbors, so it's good we have it.
Fischer oder was?
Fisherman's Death Star?
Aus der Rubrik 'zurückgelassen und nie mehr abgeholt'. Überhaupt erstaunt uns die Menge der in Frankreich vergammelnden Boote.
Hurtful to see, and a bit surprising it hasn't been removed and recycled. Béthune may have other priorities.
Zehn, zwölf gut gefüllte Hundekotbeutel haben in diesem eleganten Behälter sicher Platz. Wir könnten uns diesen Robidog auch an der Zürcher Bahnhofstrasse vorstellen. Gesehen in Veurne, Belgien.
Evidently somebody thought this was a winning design for dog poop bags. Travel is so broadening.
Etwas geschmacklos, dieses Menu in Ypern.
In Ypres, where so many soldiers died in world war one, some enterprising restauranteur thought this would grab the tourists. Macabre.
Paris rückt näher, die Mode wird kreativer. Gesehen in Dunkerque.
You never know when or where good design will strike. This was in Dunkirk.
Facial recognition.
In France, you can still see hay in bales, not in shrink-wrapped plastic skins. Nice.
How can you put a hoop in a grassy field?!? And this in France, the land of NBA heroes Tony Parker and Nicholas Batum. Jeremy, Simon---any ideas here?
Kabel à la Française.
Another one of those make-do wiring jobs that tell us we are definitely no longer in Switzerland....
Now that's a can of peas and carrots!
Für Dieter.
Hey Dieter, in France the manhole covers are positively glyphic.
Plan B mit eigener Gartentür in Douai, wo wir für ein paar Stunden anlegten, um Wäsche zu waschen.
In Douai, where we stopped for a couple of hours to do laundry, each mooring had its own door.
Vorgärten des Grauens, die französische Art.
Gardens of Despair reach another level in France. In Holland, they're low-maintenance solutions, in Belgium they're standoffish statements---keep out--- but in France they are truly existentially awful.