We hopped into Zurich for a few hours and enjoyed a meal and a walk with Silvia on a perfect fall day.
Entenleiter im Canal de Saint Quentin.
They do very nice duck stairs in France.
Schweizerisch-französische Fusion.
Franco-Swiss barge in Chauny.
Eine mobile Laverie.
A first: a mobile laundramat for campers and truckers.
Ruine am Ufer.
Too far gone.
Ein Fischer in Chauny hat einen dicken Hecht gefangen.
The fishermen of Chauny gathered to admire this monster --- 5.5 kg and they tell me it's delicious.
Basketball auf Gras scheint ganz gut zu gehen. Simon und sein Freund Ariq machen es vor.
Knappe Sache.
Close call.
Erbenstreit? Links Ruine, rechts gemütliches Zuhause in Compiègne.
Family feud? One half of the house is charming, the other abandoned.
Mama stolz vor der Baustelle zur neuen Lagerhalle von Biopetfood.
Silvia showed us the building site for new headquarters of Biopetfood. Well done, Rolf!
Two excellent sandwiches and two oh-so-good eclairs. 10 euro in Chauny.
Neira, thoughtful after the walk in the rain.