Dieses Wochenende feierten die Tholener den 'Tag des offenen Monuments'. Als ehemalige Festungsstadt hat Tholen in dieser Hinsicht viel zu bieten. Eine der Attraktionen war ein kurzer Helikopterflug über der Stadt, den wir uns natürlich nicht entgehen liessen.
Yet another weekend of sweet, small-scale festivities in Tholen, this time offering helicopter rides. I'd never been in a chopper and this was the moment to correct that deficit. As with many things in Holland, it was easy and remarkably uncomplicated. No disclaimers, no line. We just hopped in and up-up-and-awayed!
I must say, I was at once thrilled and a little disappointed with the flight. Thrilled because the thing is a magical toy but decades of films had me expecting a riotous ride and it was in fact as smooth as a modern motorcycle. No drama, no crazy vibration. Just motion. Let's put it this way: I was stirred but not shaken
Plan B im Hafen Duivendijk.
The arrow points to Plan B's current berth.