We were on the move in November and we offer a quick photographic recap. Above, a think-big graffiti in Liège.
Im Lièger Konzerthaus, nur wenige Minuten vom Hafen entfernt, haben wir die 7. Sinfonie von Mahler genossen.
We really enjoyed the Orchestra national de Lille's performance of Mahler's 7th Symphony in the jewel box concert hall in Liège. Bravo!
Ein Restaurant in Outre-Meuse, dem Quartier am anderen Ufer, präsentiert sein Menü anschaulich.
Meals on Walls?
... the restless, bursting skyline of Manhattan. I like them both.
Of course, NY has the added attraction of daughter Stella, who ran into people she knew all over town. We went uptown to the Neue Galerie to see the Klimts and Kirchners, had David Chang's Korean food at Hudson Yards and, keeping it Korean, saw the brilliant, disturbing film, Parasite, among the many highlights. Of course, mostly we just sat around at gabbed. In sum, despite its gaudy displays of wealth inequality, NY retains an energy unlike any other city, in my view.
Unmittelbar nach seiner Rückkehr ging's weiter in die Schweiz, wo der erste Besuch meiner Mama galt. Neira verbrachte die Woche bei ihr, Rolf und Xavie. Wir hingegen genossen ein paar Tage hundefrei in Zürich.
Then it was off to Switzerland, to the previously posted wedding, with our first stop being Aila's mom Silvia. She ended up taking Neira home for the week and Plan B's humans had a great time, we have to admit, being dogless for a spell. Of course, Neira had a nice break too, with her old pal Xavie the Jack Russell and with Silvia and Rolf too.
Zürich aus touristischer Perspektive.
Zürich's holding up just fine without us.
Am See herrscht auch im Winter Betrieb, sowohl auf dem Wasser als auch drinnen ... zwei tapfere Winterschwimmerinnen.
Yup, those two women went swimming while everybody else wore hats and gloves.
Nach ein paar betriebsamen Tagen in Zürich reisten wir weiter nach Wernetshausen, um Lisa und Oswald beim Heiraten zur Seite zu stehen. Ankunft mit Hochzeitsbaum.
And chicken and geese as well.
We returned to Liège with a car full of stuff, of course. And we had the clever idea of parking along the street above our mooring and lowering our bags down to the finger. We saved many long schleps carrying heavy bags from the harbor's parking spots, sparing our backs in the process.
Und das ist er, Matelot, unser neuer blauweisser Hausgenosse, Hüter des Feuerlöschers.
This funky monkey has joined the crew. His role: camouflaging a fire extinguisher. Thanks, Yvonne! Great trip; glad to be home!